Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jute! Eggs and Vase

Ah...yes, my first easter decor of the year. lol.
I know, I know, nothing like waiting til the last minute. I'm definately a procrastinator. Not my best quality, but it could be worse right?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS post my friend Beckie over at Projects, Pinching Pennies and Plugging Along did called Twine and Speckled Eggs. They are absolutely fabulous!! She took those plastic easter eggs, painted them, speckled them blue and twined the bottoms!! Brilliant.
Here is what hers look like!

Aren't they cute!
I knew I had to make some!! I bought some paper eggs at Hobby Lobby that were 3 for $1. :) I painted them cream, although it is very WHITE looking, and then speckled them with a dark brown instead of the midnight blue Beckie used.
I juted two of the bottoms and one of the sides. I love them!!
Here are mine...

Began with this...

and turned into this!

THANK YOU Beckie for the AWESOME idea!!

And now onto the VASE!
I've been looking at this vase in my house for quite some time. Didnt really like and thought, I'll chuck it, but while I was beautying(its a word) up my eggs, I thought....I bet this vase would look fabulous covered in wonderful jute!!
So, I gave it a try, and I LOVE IT!!!!!
Here is the BEFORE...

Here is the after!!

Isnt she perfect! I love it. SOO glad I went for it!
Only problem now is figuring out what will go in this beauty. I tried a bunch of tree branches, but that just reminded me of deer antlers. lol. I need something else...but what? If you have any suggestions, I'd LOVE to hear them!! Thank you. :)

I'm linking to...
We Did It Wednesday @ Sew Much Ado
Strut Your Stuff Thursday @ Somewhat Simple
Show and Tell @ Blue Cricket Design
Make It Yours Day @ My Backyard Eden
Frugal Friday @ The Shabby Nest
Feaure Yourself Friday @ Fingerprints on the Fridge


Unknown said...

Oh my word Mindy....thanks for the LOVE :) I am in awe of that's FABULOUS!!!

One Cheap B*tch said...

Coming over from Somewhat Simple and so glad I did! Your eggs came out fantastic! Happy new follower!

Anonymous said...

Both sets of eggs are wonderful!!! I just jute in the dollar section at Target, I'll have to give this a try. Thankfully I like eggs year-round and this will be more than just an Easter decor for me! Over here from The Shabby Nest. Great blog!

Ashlee Marie said...

I LOVE that vase~ I can't wait to try it!

Rachelle said...

OOh, that vase is ah-mazin!