Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Welcome to Twisted Copycat

I have been thinking about creating a more "craft"-like blog and this week I was inspired to finaly go ahead and branch off and do it!
I am super excited and cant wait to begin this blogging journey!
Twisted CopyCat is the name I chose for this blog in hopes of being able to take things that I love and crafts/decor/etc that I come across and make them my own by giving them the copycat twist!
Its probably going to be a challenge but I'm up for it!
Wish me luck and happy following!



  1. pumped! I love to see other people's creative endeavors. Hey do you and Amy want to make some bows next Friday night? I'm coming up to my moms but it might be fun to get a little craft night going if anyone wanted?

  2. Well, you are twisted so I think it should be fabulous! Can't wait to see more:)

  3. lol, thanks Jamie!
    Thanks for the support everyone!!

  4. Mindy Sue... You are so creative. I love your blog. Let's see more. LYL, Donna


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