Monday, May 10, 2010

Teacher Gifts

Happy Monday morning. :) Although I am freezing, the sun is shining!
This past week was Teacher Appreciation week! I love my boys teachers!! They are wonderful. Along with the mini clip boards I posted last week, we gave the teachers these beautiful Flowers in pencil vases.

While Blog surfing last year I came across THIS
neat idea! I have used it a few times with great success!!! Super easy and very cute. Also very affordable!
The glass tumblers are from the Dollar Tree and pencils are really cheap. Perhaps you have a bunch lying around!
For Collin's teachers I made this adorable poster to hang on their door!!

They loved it! One teacher even cried!! :) Success!

I saw this idea here , but cant find the original post anywhere. If anyone knows, I'd love to give them credit.

For one of the teacher's birthdays, we painted a big terra-cotta pot blue and thumb printed every kid in the class!! I turned those prints into bee's!! We added a beautiful plant and she loved it. I wasnt able to get a finished project picture, but this is the pot! Soo easy and very cheap!!

Any of these ideas would also work for an end of the year teacher gift! Love your teachers! They care for your most precious sweeties!

Linking to...
You're So Crafty Monday @ Miss Crafy Pants
These Creative Juices


  1. The pencil vase is such a great idea! I love subtle, "themed" ideas. Thanks for sharing ... I've posted a link.

  2. I do like the pencil vase idea too...

  3. Those are all such adorable ideas!!! Thanks for linking up girly!

  4. LOVE the pencil vase idea! I'll definitely be trying that one sometime.


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