Monday, May 17, 2010


MUCH to my suprise and delight I have been given 2 awards recently!
How exciting! And I am VERY appreciative!
First off from my fabulous friend BECKIE over at These Creative Juices , she gave me...

To receive this award you have to promise to share this with 10 other BLOGS that you think are Trendy too! Easy peasy.
Just post about your award in your blog
List your Top 10 Trendy Blogs
Share with them
Leave a link to the Trendy Blog Button
Tell them they need to give this award out to 10 as well.
My Ten Picks(in random order) are...
Curbside Creations
Its Sew Stinkin Cute
U create
Sutton Grace
thirty handmade days
Poppies at Play
Cluck Cluck Sew
I ♥ Naptime
Oops, I Craft My Pants
Making the World Cuter

I also received

From Julie over at Its Sew Stinkin Cute
How sweet is THAT! :)
Rules for this one are....
(1) Thank the person who gave me the award
(2) Share 7 things about myself
(3) Pass the award on to 15 bloggers who I have recently discovered and I think are fantastic!(in no particular order).
(4) Contact the bloggers I have picked and let them know about their award!

Anne, again... thank you so much for the award, it was so sweet and I REALLY appreciate it!

7 Things About Myself
(1) I have two adorable boys named Ryan(9) and Collin(5).
(2) I just celebrated my 30th birthday in April.
(3) Along with crafting, I grew up learning to play the flute(9 years) and piano.
(4) I am married to a wonderul man who is the best dad ever!
(5) I use to make and sell childrens clothing on Ebay under the id of precious*denim. LONG LONG AGO!
(6) I would LOVE to take a vacation with my family to any sunny, sandy, lovely location!!
(7) I live in a house that was built in 1895 and after living here for almost 5 years I am finaly realizing how much I LOVE its unique structures and potential!

I'm passing this award onto
These Creative Juices
A girl and a glue gun
barefoot in the kitchen
Thrifty Decor Chick
The Homemaking Cottage
365 Crockpotting
Sisters Stuff
Life Frosting
Little Birdie Secrets
Keeping it Simple
Mod Podge Rocks
Sew Much Ado
Craft Rookie

If you haven't heard from me yet, congratulations!! You are all an inspiration to me!!


  1. Mindy - Thank you so much for the Trendy Treehouse Award. I will have to work on that post for Friday. I am also considering doing a giveaway to mark my 100th post tomorrow (but announce it on Friday on 101). I will be posting both of these things then. Hope your having a good week! - Julie

  2. Thanks Mindy! You are a sweetheart, your blog is super cute! :)

  3. thanks so much!!! what an honor!

  4. Thanks so much, I feel so honored! I really appreciate it. Cute blog!

  5. Thanks so much Mindy! What a treat!! Thanks for thinking of Poppies at Play! You Rock!! I'm off to check out more of your cute blog!

  6. Thanks for the award!

  7. Thanks for the award! I'm honored!

  8. Thanks so much Mind! I'm a little late accepting....probable because of my lack of yard, messed up foot and strep, but no excuses! I love ya!

  9. AWW! Thank you! SOrry, I didn't respond earlier! I've been out of blogland for awhile and I'm trying to make a quick recovery comeback!
    Thanks so much for thinking of me for this award! I sure try! I'm here to check yours out!


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