Sunday, June 13, 2010

Brownies and Chocolate dipped Strawberries

I've been away from bloggy land WAY TOO LONG! I'm trying to organize my house and its taking forever!! I'm surrounded by messes and half organized rooms, but I WILL get it done!! Anyway...
Around these parts I'm known for my chocolate dipped strawberries! :)
They are so yummy!
Ryan asked for some for his birthday, in April, piled onto brownies! They were super delicious.
This past week we celebrated Collin's birthday at school(even though its not til July) and for his snack, he asked for brownies with dipped strawberries on top!
So, I made em again! Instead of dipping though, *I drizzled the chocolate. Was easier and you cant really dip wet strawberry pieces too well.
Here is what they looked like! YUM

I boxed them up nicely and brought them to school!

The kids LOVED them! Each one was given a nice top of whipped cream!

He dug right in like a champ!


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